Hypnosis WORKS!


  • Do you feel STUCK, but you have no idea why?

  • Do you procrastinate or self-sabotage your efforts?

  • Do you want to increase your finances but something always shows up?

  • Do you want to play bigger but fear stops you?

  • Do you know you need to do something different, but what?

Are you ready to experience life differently? A shift in your beliefs in any of these areas will drastically improve your life! Are you ready to:

  • Increase your self confidence

  • Increase your self worth

  • Know deep to your core you deserve it

  • Kiss anxiety goodbye

  • Stop playing small

  • Stop feeling like an imposter

  • Stop procrastinating

  • Stop sabotaging your success

  • Eliminate doubt

  • Eliminate lack of motivation

  • Eliminate your fears

  • Stop bad habits

  • Eliminate your money blocks

  • Get a good nights sleep

  • Set yourself up with a wealthy mindset

  • Speak up & speak out

  • Get unSTUCK

  • Take back your power, own your power, and use your power


WHY Hypnosis:

Hypnosis works. The impact on the brain can be scientifically measured. 95% of our actions are ruled by the subconscious mind.  Understanding is power; understanding in hypnosis is transformational! When we find the root cause for what you are experiencing we can change your beliefs, and transform your life!

Spiral Staircase

How is RTT Hypnotherapy different than other forms of hypnosis?

Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy (RTT) embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, however there are four significant ways it is better:

We Empower Our Clients

The RTT method uses regression as a tool to get to the root cause of the issue, and by using the Role, Function, Purpose, Intention technique, the client is able to understand the significance they have attached to their issues/challenges. Once we understand the core issue, we help our clients in a powerful way to release their issues. Then we record a transformational recording that will help them rewire their brain over the next 21 days, helping them completely transform their life!

Rapid Results

RTT aims to deliver significant changes in a single 90 minute – 2 hour session. Although some issues may require 2-3 sessions.

We use Command Cell Therapy (CCT) as a modality

The third difference RTT offers is with medical and physical issues. CCT is based on the premise that every cell in your body has a brain of its own.

RTT is a technique for addressing the trauma that clients have been holding on to for years, and sometimes decades

“The changes in people’s lives who come in and finish up unfinished business is nothing short of a miracle.”