What is self-sabotage?
Self-sabotage is an invisible force that keeps you from doing what you know you should be doing to successfully reach your goal. It is a self-defeating belief, that creates a behavior that keeps you blocked from doing what is necessary to be successful.
- How many of you know what you need to do in order to reach your goal…but procrastination, lack of consistency, or lack of motivation (to name a few) holds you back from accomplishing your goal?
- How many of you have a pattern of almost reaching your goal, only to watch it fall apart at the last minute?
- How many of you find yourself wondering, why can’t I just get out of my own way?
Self-sabotage is a recurring pattern, based on your conscious & subconscious beliefs. Beliefs become thoughts, thoughts lead to behaviors and actions, behaviors and actions lead to results. This is how your self-sabotage behavior turns your belief into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Self-sabotage happens when you undermine your goals. And it can cause you a lot of unnecessary pain in your life, by keeping you away from achieving your dreams.
Here are the top 4 behaviors leading to self-sabotage:
- Procrastination: Procrastination is the #1 way people self-sabotage their efforts. They continually delay or avoid important tasks, even when they know it is vital for their success.
- Perfectionism: Setting unattainable standards for yourself and others. Waiting for things to be “perfect” before progressing. This can bring any project you are working on to a stand still.
- Not giving your best: Lack of focus, lack of productivity, poor performance, not showing up, disorganized, unprofessional, lack of energy are all signs of self-sabotage.
- Negative self-talk: What is your inner cheerleader saying to you? Engaging in persistent internal dialogue that is highly critical or demeaning to yourself will keep you a prisoner.
Why would you choose to self-sabotage your efforts?
Deep down self-sabotage is almost always a way to protect yourself. By making sure you never try your best, your unconscious mind keeps you where you are. Two popular examples are:
- Limiting Beliefs – Self-sabotage is driven by a limiting beliefs. The two most common limiting beliefs that will keep you stuck are:
- Lack of self confidence: People who are not confident in who they are, and what gifts & talents they bring to the table often use self-sabotage. It lets them control their failure, it shows up as procrastination, imposter syndrome, playing small and just not showing up.
- Lack of self worth: Some people don’t feel they deserve happiness, success, love, or abundance. They have limiting beliefs that are deeply ingrained saying they are not worthy.
- Irrational fears – Self-sabotaging behaviors emerge from the fear of success and the fear of failure. Ironically we fear both – success and failure, which is why it is common for people to feel paralyzed.
- Fear of Success: I know it sounds irrational, but for some people, succeeding can bring consequences they may not want. It can bring consequences such as more responsibility, a larger time commitment, or greater expectations, which can lead you to a feeling of eventual failure. Many of my clients also fear the consequences of making more money than their partner, fear of losing family & friends if they are too successful, to just name a few…
- Fear of Failure: No one likes to fail, but stepping out of your comfort zone & taking risks mean you are no longer in control. Many would rather struggle where they are, knowing what to expect, than stepping into the infinite possibilities, and unknown territory.
How can hypnosis help you overcome self-sabotage?
A hypnosis session will help you stop undermining your own success. Through deep relaxation, hypnosis will help you notice your patterns and develop ways to stop them before they start.
While in hypnosis you are able to overcome self-sabotage behaviors through the use of various tools and techniques to create positive changes in your beliefs and thoughts that help you overcome self-sabotage. Hypnotherapy for self-sabotage first involves identifying how and why you sabotage your own efforts, and what triggers that behavior. Secondly we clear those limiting beliefs and upgrade them with new empowering beliefs that will get you the results you want.
Benefits of hypnotherapy for self-sabotage:
- INCREASE your self-confidence & self-worth
- STOP procrastinating
- EMPOWER your inner cheerleader
- STEP UP and play bigger
- CHOOSE excellence over perfection
You will notice your life improving:
- Accomplish your goals in less time
- Trust yourself & your decision making skills
- Meet deadlines
- Improve your time management skills
- Improve personal and professional relationships
- Increased your motivation to reach goals
- Feel more positive, and hopeful
- Replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations
Understanding the root of self-sabotage is an important step in learning to overcome it.
Stopping self-sabotage means learning to breakthrough the patterns that keep you stuck, so you can move forward fearlessly.
Currently we have 3 different options to help you to create a life without self-sabotage.
- If you are truly committed to taking your life to the next level, and transforming your life, our 45-day BREAKTHROUGH – Become UNSTOPPALBE Program is for you!
www.calendly.com/gillisbradleyhypnosis/30min to set up your FREE Strategy Session.
- If you are looking to do one hypnosis session that will help you Overcome Self-Sabotage, so you can take back your power and show up differently in your life. Set up your FREE Strategy Session here: calendly.com/gillisbradleyhypnosis/30min
- Or if you are new to hypnosis and you prefer a group experience please join us at :
THRIVE! Monthly Group Hypnosis.
(4 PT, 5 MT, 6 CT, 7 ET)
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