
“Healed Leg Four Weeks Early”

“Seven weeks after the operation on my leg, all the surgeon could say is ‘it’s simply amazing’ I was 12-weeks healed in only 7-weeks. I still hadn’t told my surgeon that I was using RTT Hypnotherapy. Gillis Bradley did an amazing job with one session and daily listening to the 17 minute tape, made significant progress in healing my leg. My leg was a nasty spiral break on the Fibula and Tibula. I required an operation with one plate and eleven screws. At the end of 8 weeks my doctor stopped seeing me even though it typically take 12 weeks. I highly recommend Gillis because she really knows how to get results”

Craig Bishop
Venice, CA

“Radiates positive energy”

“I have chosen to allow more abundance to flow into my life and am working with Gillis Bradley and her skills in RTT Hypnotherapy. Gillis radiates positive energy and has an engaging style! Her strong desire and natural talent to make a difference came through as she skillfully and comfortably took me into hypnosis. I was surprised at what I found going into my childhood that I feel had subconsciously set a limit on what I could earn for myself. After we eradicated the old beliefs, Gillis created a recording for me to listen to for 21 days to really set the new unlimited abundance belief into my subconscious. She communicates in a way that inspires and I’m definitely noticing the shift! Since my session I’ve manifested an all expense paid trip and just received great news on an investment I’ve made! Thank you for hacking my brain Gillis! ”

Nancy Figueroa
Stillwater, MN

“My vision improved dramatically!!”

“Several months ago Gillis worked on my distance vision. I had never done this type of therapy before so my expectations were low. The next day my eyes were really sensitive and almost tingly. I started focusing and not wearing my glasses. I couldn’t believe how different my vision was. Over the course of the next several days my vision improved dramatically!! Thank you Gillis for your help! Your calm and supportive demeanor made me so comfortable and I am still in shock about the improvement. Thank you Gillis!!”

Leslie Finnegan
Toronto, Ontario

“Signed my largest client ever!!”

“WOW! Since my one-on-one session to “Eliminate Your Money Blocks”, I have signed my largest client ever! And they found my business card in a parking lot that I have not been in! Amazing how once you let your blocks go, the Universe provides.”

Melanie B
Woodbury, MN

“Something profound has shifted”

“I was directed to Gillis, through the RTT website. We spoke just before Thanksgiving, and set our date for our first meeting, December 13th. I reached out, because I was aware that I still had resistance to stepping in to my greatness. During our initial consultation, I became very aware that Gillis was experienced, mature, and knew she could point me in the right direction. Totally encouraging! I’ve been faithful to listen to the recording she made for me, twice a day. Today is my 21st day. I had a few minor breakthroughs in the last 3 weeks, and a lot of resistance. But, I kept telling myself, “I’m no longer that person, and I am different.” In the last 24 hours, I am quite aware that something profound has shifted. No more Afib. No more nervous energy. Calmer, clearer, more centered. Just a beautiful experience, and very rapid!”

Britt A
Zoom Session

“Gillis helped me move through emotional pain…”

“Gillis Bradley helped me move through some emotional pain I was experiencing after I lost two important people in my life. Before seeing Gillis I was stuck in overwhelming emotion. After hypnosis and now that my homework is complete I feel like myself again. I can’t thank Gillis enough for giving me my life back!”

Forest Lake, MN

“I wanted growth and progress toward my dreams.”

“My sessions with Gillis have been extraordinarily successful! As a new business owner, I was looking for the block that kept me in my pattern of smallness. I wanted growth and progress toward my dreams. Gillis custom designed a hypnosis program for me in her Transform your life, Transform you business – 45 day program. My transformation is amazing. I look at the progress I am making and the true enjoyment and ease these milestones come with, and feel so grateful and thankful for Gillis and her talent. You and your dreams are worth every dollar you invest! I encourage you to invest in yourself. You deserve the best, and so do I”

Robyn (Forest Lake)

“I now have no concerns about rejection…”

“Before completing Gillis Bradley’s 45 Days To Transform Your Life, Transform Your Business program, two primary thoughts blocked me from building my business: Fear of rejection and disbelief that I could be wildly successful – the “Who am I to be successful?” syndrome. :/
After having completed this program with Gillis, I feel like I am standing on bedrock. I now have no concerns about rejection – I accept, without taking personally, that some people will, some people won’t. And now I know, without a shred of doubt, that I can empower hundreds of women to become financially free. I can be THAT leader who creates a ripple effect of positively impacting hundreds, even thousands, of women’s lives.
If you have any doubts or fears that prevent you from progressing in the direction of your dreams, I highly suggest that you go through GIllis’ program. Be ready for major positive changes in your life!”

Shawn V.
Stillwater, MN

“So much is shifting and changing!”

“So much is shifting and changing! I felt like I was going through a fairly intense transformation after this session! This is probably the first time (to this degree) that I have prioritized myself like this in many years! I would definitely say that things are shifting and changing and I know that the session we did together made such a significant impact and space for these incredible changes that are coming into my life!! Thank you, thank you!”

Nashville, TN

“…has helped my nightmares, but also my anxiety.”

“Hypnotherapy has changed my life! It has not only helped my nightmares, but also my anxiety. Thank you Gillis! ”

Stillwater, MN

“The difference is immeasurable”

“I went to Gillis to help me sort out any money blocks I had. I am developing a new business and felt this would be a worthwhile investment of time and money. Boy was I right! Gillis seemed to have such a firm command of the process that I was entirely relaxed. She not only uncovered massive blocks that I didn’t know I had but completely reprogrammed me. As I continue to build my business I have an amazing lightness and sense of confidence. The difference is immeasurable. Thank you Gillis – I couldn’t have done this without you!!”

Leslie Finnegan
Toronto, Ontario

“I experienced major changes in my life ”

“My time spent with Gillis in two separate rtt sessions has been transformational in my life. Gillis was skilled and on point as she walked me through this process. Her voice is gentle and soothing as well and her presence is calming and peaceful. Within days of each session I experienced major changes in my life, changes that went deep into my belief system and changed it at the root. I am thankful and very appreciative of her work and look forward to working together with her more. Great respect to you Gillis. ”

Susie Jackson
Kansas City, MO

“Expect Results”

“Thank you so much. It has been great working with you. What I have enjoyed most about working with GIllis is that she is positively affirming and interested in results. The frosting on the cake is that she is fun too. ”

Susan B.
St. Paul, MN

“Group Hypnosis”

“I highly recommend you try a Group Hypnosis Session. I had amazing results and love that you get the recording to listen to every night. ”

Jean Larson
River Falls, WI

“I was able to let go and allow for a transformation to take place. ”

“I went to seek help through hypnotherapy because I suffered a fear of darkness. This fear played a huge paralyzing role in my life and seemed to be getting worse with age and other worries. During the hypnotherapy sessions and after (through a recording) Gillis provides a safe and loving space and with her guidance I was led on a journey deep within myself. This journey brought me to my own personal understanding of my fear and through this understanding and acceptance I was able to let go and allow for a transformation to take place. Gillis has a genuine desire to help people and through hypnotherapy she will help you unlock your own innate potential to heal and free the blockages that limit your life. Thank you Gillis for providing a positive experience of self discovery.”

Nicki L.
Afton, MN

“My (Zoom) Sessions with Gillis have been extraordinarily successful beyond my wildest dreams! ”

“My sessions with Gillis have been extraordinarily successful beyond my wildest dreams!”…“…If you have any doubt or fears that prevent you from progressing in the direction of your dreams, I highly suggest that you go through Gillis’ program. Be ready for major positive changes in your life!”
“Hypnotherapy has changed my life…”

Zoom Client

“My glucose numbers have started lowering…”

“I’ve had diabetes for more than 15 years. Since Gillis started working with me, my blood glucose numbers have started lowering so that they’re consistently in the normal range, I am more focused on making healthy food choices, and I’ve lost weight. And here’s the craziest result: I don’t crave potato chips anymore! Gillis and RTT have helped me get control of my disease instead of it controlling me. Thanks Gillis!”

Kelly L.
Salt Lake, UT

“I was stuck in a dark place…”

“I sought Gillis’ expertise in hypnotherapy when I was “stuck in a dark place” in my life, yearning to grow and undo some childhood conditioning to ascend to higher level in my consciousness. I was already familiar with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), so it was a perfect manifestation when I discovered she’s a practitioner. I felt very comfortable to allow Gillis to get inside my head and do some damage control. She is very sweet, authentic and genuinely interested in helping people. When I gave her feedback about what’s not working for me, she quickly responded and gave me upgraded tools to work with that was a better match for what I was trying achieve. I will continue to work with Gillis as I expand and grow to the best version of me. Thank you Gillis. Blessed be!”

Las Vegas, NV

“My session with Gillis really helped me release anxiety.”

“My session with Gillis really helped me release anxiety. I now feel much more calm and self-assured when faced with new situations. In the past, the anxiety was enough to paralyze me and prevent me from doing what I wanted. Now, I face challenges head on, and with excitement instead of fear. Than you so much, Gillis!”

New York, NY

“The session with Gillis was life-changing for me.”

“The session with Gillis was life-changing for me. If you feel stuck in your life or need help to overcome what’s holding back your happiness, I would highly recommend Gillis!”
